Not so frequent junk mail!!


     So, as life has intervened with the development of the site, I have now decided that I will give more attention where it’s needed!

     I will not like many other times say that updates will be more frequent, etc… I will however say that I am rediscovering what this was and is all about, I will be reinventing my wheel and see where it goes.  This site has not only become about the music but about my life and me in general with the music obviously as the main course.

     I hope that this can broaden the idea that some of you may have, and offer a better view into the world that I live in. I appreciate all of the continued support and will look forward to hearing from all of you once the site is fully operational. I have started some new things that I am pretty excited about, and hope that you will come with me as I discover them.

    Here is to new beginnings and continued journeys. Enjoy….



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